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Latest Love Messages from Visitors
Daily Love Messages #744
you being in my arms, heart by heart feels like our love would never end.
(sent by martha at 16/07/2010)
Daily Love Messages #743
hmmm guest what? i was thinking of u, i'm thinking of u
(sent by oghenero at 15/07/2010)
Daily Love Messages #742
babe plz open a bank
account in ur heart so
that when i miss u i can
deposit my life 4 internily
then the rest will b true is 4 living,live mine
4 u.luv is 4 giving,i give
mine 2 u.hearts u r 4
beating,and mine beat 4 u.
(sent by john at 14/07/2010)
Daily Love Messages #741
i want u i love u i wait for u till u come near me
(sent by sakeena at 13/07/2010)
Daily Love Messages #740
if you love something, let it go. if it comes back to you, its yours forever. if it dosent, then it was never meant to be.
(sent by unknown at 12/07/2010)
Daily Love Messages #739
the little unremembered acts of kindness and love are the best parts of a person's life.
(sent by william wordsworth at 11/07/2010)
Daily Love Messages #738
god made many puzzle pieces, but only those two 'cut out' for each other, can fit together to create a perfect and beautiful picture.
(sent by sarah at 10/07/2010)
Daily Love Messages #737
love me when i least deserve it, because that’s when i really need it.
(sent by olovi at 09/07/2010)
Daily Love Messages #736
if you love someone you would be willing to give up everything for them, but if they loved you back theyd never ask you to..
(sent by mary at 08/07/2010)
Daily Love Messages #735
you may not love me like ilove u,not care 4me like i care 4 u but if u ever need me i will always be around 4 u..
(sent by eddie mudau at 07/07/2010)
Daily Love Messages #734
i want the whole world to know how happy and lucky i am, to have you in my life..
will you stay by my side?
i love you.
(sent by selly at 06/07/2010)
Daily Love Messages #733
good morning my love, wishing i was there with u waking up in yr arms kissing u .i love u i want to look into yr eyes to see how much u love me.u r in my heart always .see this circle o it has no end my love for u will never end .go n eat breakfast ill talk to u later ok by have a great day love you..
(sent by badmus ab at 05/07/2010)
Daily Love Messages #732
lovely msg 4 a lovely person from lovely friend 4 a lovely reason at a lovely time from a lovely mind in a lovely mood in a lovely style to wish you.
(sent by juliusat at 04/07/2010)
Daily Love Messages #731
i knw u dnt love me but still i love u, i knw u dont miss me but still i miss, i love u tooooooo much! please come back..
(sent by maria at 03/07/2010)
Daily Love Messages #730
not just becoz your handsome, but becoz u r always there to push me up when i feel down.your there to make me laugh when i feel sad,you have your shoulder for to cry on.your word of encouragement makes me strong and powerful i feel safe every time i think of are really the hero of my life.only you
(sent by dave at 02/07/2010)
Daily Love Messages #729
you payed attention to me like no one else did you said i was "special" when i first meet you. to find the one who is loving and caring,rather than how they look and what they like wearing. i love you..
(sent by katie at 01/07/2010)
Daily Love Messages #728
many years ago i met a girl of such shocking beauty, my breath stopped every time i looked at her. my heart ached at such a sight as she presented.
(sent by okotie at 30/06/2010)
Daily Love Messages #727
with change comes the unknown. so let this be known to you right now.
i haven't changed the way i felt about you.
i haven't changed the trust i have in you or the love i have for you.
i still love you with whole my heart!
(sent by beticia at 29/06/2010)
Daily Love Messages #726
i was in my highest point of my emotion...
i fell intensely from the highest altitude of love.
i love you dear!
(sent by max at 28/06/2010)
Daily Love Messages #725
love is gentle,
love is kind,
love is when,
2 lives combine....4ever... without end..
(sent by sweet heart at 27/06/2010)
Daily Love Messages #724 when you know nothing in this world except him!
(sent by ksam at 26/06/2010)
Daily Love Messages #723
i adore you and live for you not just die!
(sent by lovelykitten at 25/06/2010)
Daily Love Messages #722
last nite a tear rolled 4m my eyes, i asked it y did u cum out, it rplyd there's sum1 so special in ur eyes tat there's no place4me
(sent by vanora at 24/06/2010)
Daily Love Messages #721
you're like christmas at home by a tree,
the blue calm of a tropical sea.
i love everything about you
(sent by max at 23/06/2010)
Daily Love Messages #720
your eyes are the most beautiful sight. more beautiful than the rainbow that appears as it lights up the fields of flowers draped against a stormy sky
(sent by demi at 22/06/2010)
Daily Love Messages #719
i searched for my heart....
but did nt found any where'...
then i remember that i left my heart in ur hand....
and now i am soul in heaven...
(sent by ignatious at 21/06/2010)
Daily Love Messages #718
sometimes i neglect to tell you how important you are to me, how your presence makes such a difference. people like you are truly rare. i hope you realize how much you mean to me.
(sent by mujeeb at 20/06/2010)
Daily Love Messages #717
when two souls,that have shed their loneliness embrace and melt into one….. from out of loneliness, love is born.
(sent by your boyboy at 19/06/2010)
Daily Love Messages #716
life won't mean a thing without you loving me and all i need is you in my life.
if i had one wish i would give you a long and tender kiss and if i had two wishes then i would choose to do it over again.
i love you tania, love you. it's really tania, now i am in love
(sent by your love at 18/06/2010)
Daily Love Messages #715
i am consumed by you, my love. my heart beats just so that i can hear your voice. you occupy all of my thoughts.
(sent by gammy at 17/06/2010)
Latest Love Quotes
Visitor Love Quotes #624
I want to see u every second... i want u here by my side
(sent by Tunde at 04/06/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #623
i am happy we meet and i hope we will grow more together and one day get married i love you forever
(sent by regina at 03/06/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #622
Love doesn't require two people look at each other, but that they look together in the same direction
(sent by 1million dollar at 02/06/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #621
Can Be A Comma (,)
A Question Mark (?)
An Exclamation Point (!)
That's Basic Spelling
That Every Woman
Ought To Know
(sent by madhu at 01/06/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #620
Love is d fastest cure for every worries,but it kills faster than aids.
(sent by David jim at 31/05/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #619
I know this sounds silly, but I just wish you felt the same about me. I would give you my heart in a second, and maybe one day you will realize I am not invisible, and will give me your heart too.
(sent by sandy at 30/05/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #618
For my forever love loving you is like holding a rainbow in my hands... Each moments feel new, bright you possibilites, Holding in magic and fairy-tale fantasises and dreams that really do come true... It isn't from wonder now until forever, somewhere, somehow, I'll still be lovins you, With Love Today an Forever...
(sent by vishnu thakur at 29/05/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #617
When you take my hand, I get weak in the knees. I tell no lie when I say that your kiss melts me. You are a wonderful, sexy and lovely, addition to my life!
(sent by martin at 28/05/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #616
with luv everything becomes possible between u nd ur lover, u see everything clearly nd better. love is something that fills ur heart with joy nd gladness bcos it pays 2 love nd be loved.
(sent by jimmy at 27/05/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #615
If someone throws stone towards u, throw love towards them them but if someone throws love towards u,then stop for a while & think because love hurts u more than
(sent by Mt.vibas at 26/05/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #614
Sometime I try, you know I do, but I can't really find the right words to say.
The only thing I know, is that i miss you when you are far
(sent by mariah at 25/05/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #613
A silent thought, a secret tear, always think that u were near. Life goes on I know its true but its hard 2 imagine life without U…
(sent by maria at 24/05/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #612
The Thread asked the Candle:
"Why do You dissolve yourself, when I burn?"
Candle replied: "You R my heart. If U suffer, I'm bound to shed Tears 4 U"
That's a Relationship!
(sent by at 23/05/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #611
if it was not because of you,
i shouldnt know the real love in me,
if it wasnt because of your kiss,
i shouldnt dreamt so big. i love you my love, with everything i have. forever yours ,me.
(sent by isaac mathebe at 22/05/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #610
i never knew there would be a better tomorrow but you've come into my life and taken away all sorrow. My days are a thing of the past, because u fill a void in my heart that u should.
(sent by msizi at 21/05/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #609
You may never see how much i care for you. You may never hear how much i treasure you, you may never feel how much i miss you: because only here in my heart can you see them true.
(sent by Francis Ezenwa at 20/05/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #608
there are always miracles, love is lik a butterfly. it goes where it please and it please where it goes.
(sent by francis ezenwa at 19/05/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #607
You are a MARVEL because of your marvellous mannerism, you are MANIC because of your mael storm activities, you are NIFTY because you enrapture me with great enthusiasm &"I LUV YOU D WAY U ARE". My ALL-IN-ONE.
(sent by Oghenero at 18/05/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #606
You've touched places in my heart and soul that no one has ever touched before. I Love you, I have done since our eyes first met, and i will do until i'm 6 foot under, even then i know i will still love you!
(sent by andrea at 17/05/2010)
Visitor Love Quotes #605
i love you every second of every minute
every minute of every hour
every hour of every day
until the time shall have its end =)
(sent by babe at 16/05/2010)
Popular Love Messages
Love Messages 48
Being near is not the meaning of being dear,
I may be far from u but msgs are bridges
2 make u feel that I always REMEMBER YOU!
(published at 21/09/2008)
Love Messages 62
I love you even more than when I started this sentence.
(published at 08/09/2008)
Love Messages 9
Love Is like war... Easy to start... Difficult to end.
(published at 09/09/2008)
Love Messages 34
Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was completely out of my control.
(published at 07/09/2008)
Love Messages 59
Is that love i see in your eyes, or merely a reflection of mine?
(published at 05/09/2008)
Love Messages 33
There are times when I fall in love with someone new, but I always seem to find myself back in love with you.
(published at 06/09/2008)
Love Messages 88
Rains fall, winds blow, the sun shines... it all comes naturally, just like loving you.
(published at 07/09/2008)
Love Messages 79
Last night I sent an angel 2 watch over u while u were sleeping but it came back early! So I asked it why? It said that angels don't watch over other angels!
(published at 25/09/2008)
Love Messages 32
Don't regret what you've did, but regret what you never did, go and say 'I LOVE U' to your loved one!
(published at 05/09/2008)
Love Messages 27
One day u will ask me: What is more important to you, me or your life? I'll say: my life... You'll walk away from me without knowing that U R MY LIFE!!!
(published at 27/09/2008)
Popular Love Quotes
Love Quotes 23
If you judge people, you have no time to love them. - Mother Teresa
(published at 23/11/2008)
Love Quotes 13
Love floods us with hope. - Jareb Teague
(published at 13/11/2008)
Love Quotes 18
It's easy to fall in love. The hard part is finding someone to catch you. - Bertrand Russell
(published at 18/11/2008)
Love Quotes 40
I learned the real meaning of love. Love is absolute loyalty. People fade, looks fade, but loyalty never fades. You can depend so much on certain people, you can set your watch by them. And that's love, even if it doesn't seem very exciting. - Sylvester Stallone
(published at 13/11/2008)
Love Quotes 25
It is better to break one's heart than to do nothing with it. - Margaret Kennedy
(published at 25/11/2008)
Love Quotes 36
Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. - Bruce Lee
(published at 09/11/2008)
Love Quotes 41
What "love" is I don't know if it's not the response of our deepest natures to one another. - William Carlos Williams
(published at 14/11/2008)
Love Quotes 12
True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked. - Erich Segal
(published at 12/11/2008)
Love Quotes 32
The heart is a small thing, but desireth great matters. It is not sufficient for a kite's dinner, yet the whole world is not sufficient for it. - Francis Quarles, Emblems
(published at 05/11/2008)
Love Quotes 3
You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back. - Barbara DeAngelis
(published at 03/11/2008)
Latest Love Sms from Visitors
Daily Love Sms #735
love doesn't make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
(sent by martha at 16/07/2010)
Daily Love Sms #734
they say loving you gives pains and full of sacrifices but i'll rather take pains and lots of sacrifices than not to be love by you.
(sent by aaron at 15/07/2010)
Daily Love Sms #733
love is the only language spoken by the heart and its the heart that opens the mind
(sent by socrateskamoga at 14/07/2010)
Daily Love Sms #732
if i was given a chance to think, i will think of u, if i was given a chance to dream, i will dream about u, and if i was given the chance to love, i will love only are my source of joy, happiness and dignity.
(sent by bombastic at 13/07/2010)
Daily Love Sms #731
this day i will marry my friend, the one i laugh with, live for, dream with, love
(sent by maria at 12/07/2010)
Daily Love Sms #730
only from the heart can you touch the sky.
(sent by rumi at 11/07/2010)
Daily Love Sms #729
this is the miracle that happens every time to those who really love; the more they give, the more they possess.
(sent by sarah at 10/07/2010)
Daily Love Sms #728
love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs. being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers eyes. being vexed, a sea nourished with lovers tears. what is it else? a madness most discreet, a choking gall and a preserving sweet.
(sent by luvlyboyzz at 09/07/2010)
Daily Love Sms #727
give her two red roses, each with a note. the first note says for the woman i love and the second, for my best friend.
(sent by sadie at 08/07/2010)
Daily Love Sms #726
special friend-
s- supports u!
p- prays for u!
e- encourages u!
c- cares for u!
i- inspires u!
a- advices u!
l- loves u!
hope we remain special always!!!
(sent by rimo chowdhury at 07/07/2010)
Popular Romantic Messages
Romantic Messages 6
A DOCTOR can save my life. A LAWYER can defend my life. A SOLDIER can give me a peaceful life. But only you can give me a MEANINGFUL LIFE.
(published at 06/10/2008)
Romantic Messages 21
I miss the laughs I used to get from you, I miss the talks we used to have. And above all, I just miss YOU!
(published at 21/10/2008)
Romantic Messages 54
You give me joy, you give me hope. You give me energy, which helps me cope. I love you darling, more than you love the Pope!
(published at 27/10/2008)
Romantic Messages 44
If you're afraid to love a person because of "FRIENDSHIP" you have two choices...either say what you feel and let the love takes place...OR forever have love under a friendship full of pretendings.
(published at 17/10/2008)
Romantic Messages 22
When the time comes I can't smile anymore, don't worry about me, I know what to do. I'll just stare at one corner and think of you. No one else could make me happy like the way you do.
(published at 22/10/2008)
Romantic Messages 7
Sending u 1000 smiles,take 1 for now,and keep the remaining 999 under ur pillow,pickout 1 every morning,because i want to see u smiling always.
(published at 07/10/2008)
Romantic Messages 13
Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.
(published at 13/10/2008)
Romantic Messages 40
Last night a tear rolled out of my eyes,
I asked it y did u come out ?
it replied there is someone so special in ur eyes that there is no space for me inside
(published at 13/10/2008)
Romantic Messages 23
Set a place for me in your heart and not in your mind for the mind easily forgets but the heart always remembers. I love you
(published at 23/10/2008)
Romantic Messages 32
If you wake up 1 day & were asked to have a wish, what would it be? Mine would be that our love would last until you see an apple in an orange tree
(published at 05/10/2008)
Romantic Messages 33
True love endures, if it does not, then it was never true.
(published at 06/10/2008)
Romantic Messages 35
All day long, I hear people talking out loud. But when you talk to me, your sweet voice drowns out the crowd! I miss you.
(published at 08/10/2008)
Romantic Messages 19
My lips want to kiss u, my eyes want to see u, my hands want to touch u .....every part of me wants u, maybe bcoz i was made just 4 u!
(published at 19/10/2008)
Romantic Messages 38
I'd rather spend one moment holding you than a lifetime knowing I never could.
(published at 11/10/2008)
Romantic Messages 14
When I look in the mirror all I can see is your love.

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